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Marketing + Creating Content on Instagram (episode 24)

Marketing + Creating Content on Instagram (episode 24)

Whether you're a small business, blogger or influencer, social media probably plays a key role in your life. It's become a way for us to both connect with our communities and grow our audiences. Sometimes though, with algorithm changes, it can de difficult to learn how to navigate the social media waters.

In this post we will be sharing some brief cliff notes, we shared on this week's episode of The Wakened Podcast. To give the episode a listen, find us wherever you get podcasts. If got value from these tips or the episode, please rate the show on Apple Podcasts. It would help us out so much!
To market on Instagram you can ether Pay-to-Play and invest in ADs or you can find your ideal demographic organically. We do a little of both. If you're doing the organic approach, it'll take some work on your part. Here are two ways to go about it:

1. Find your ideal customer
You first need a clear idea of who your ideal customer is. You want to have a basic understanding of their likes, dislikes, what they do for fun, what they're interests are, etc.
Next, think about where they might be "hanging out" on social media. Are there pages or hashtags they are following and interacting with, within those interests you laid out in the first step? Research and write down hashtags that fit in line with that.

After you've done the above steps, now you can INTERACT! When we say "interact", we are referring to an authentic connection where you show genuine interest. If the individuals you're finding are really in your demographic, finding something to connect on shouldn't be difficult.

2. Make it easy for your ideal customer to find you

Make use of niche specific hashtags on your posts, so those looking for what you're offering can find you easier. 

Creating Content
When creating content on social media, there are three main areas you want to focus your quality on. Imagery, message, connection.

Keep in mind that instagram is a VISUAL platform first and foremost. So the quality of your images are very important. Think of your grid as your own personal catalog. Every photo should look like it belongs there. You can achieve this through intentionally chosen photos that align with your brand/personal message and consistent editing. Simply put, someone clicking on your page for the first time should get a general idea of what you're about, just by looking at your grid photos.
Your message is expressed in your bio, in captions, in video and through photos. Get specific on what value you have to offer and what your page is going to be about and then tailor your content to fit in line with that.

The word "social" is literally in Social Media. People are looking for genuine connections on these platforms. Engage with your audience and create opportunities for your community to interact with you.

Do not neglect the people who are already following you. It's easy to get hung up on vanity metrics but don't let that make you forget about those who are already supporting you. Continue to add value to their lives and cultivate your relationships. Those are the individuals who have gotten you to where you are now.