How it works
We have developed long-term partnerships with several charities doing amazing things in the world. 10% from the sale of each item at Wakened is donated to it’s designated charity partner. Together with our followers, we are honored to support the organizations we work with + their causes. We design much of the artwork on our garments to go hand in hand with the charity it supports.
Our accessories are also thoughtfully designed + ethically made. Every item we source from outside the states is through fair trade. We are very conscious of the negative working conditions + minimal pay most workers in other countries experience. Because of this we look very carefully into any item we add to our collection. It’s important to us to know where it’s made, who made it, what their working conditions are like + how well they are paid. The Fair Trade company we sources our necklaces from sustain jobs for people throughout India. They partner with women’s groups, minorities, urban slums + isolated rural communities to empower artisans through dignified, sustainable employment. They have worked for almost a decade to raise women’s social status through economic independence + empowerment.
Why is this important?
There is a huge issue in India of gender disparity. In developing countries like India, a women’s pay decreases with age. A women can earn 56% of what male colleges earn, doing the exact same thing. Over 50% of the artisans making our jewelry are women + the company we work with pays these artisans 20-30% above what conventional markets pay. Because of this, Artisans no longer feel the need to keep children home to work + earn extra income for their family. Instead they have the opportunity to get a real education. These artisans enjoy a safe, comfortable + friendly working conditions, fair wages, paid sick days, holiday leave as well as respectful + dignified trading relationships. All of this combined sets them up for success + financial independence, thus cycle of poverty can be broken + replaced with the cycle of economic empowerment + education. Our accessories are made BY women FOR women.
Our blankets are another product we are very proud of! With the amount of good they do in the world, we call them the ‘Good Blanket’. First off, they have a positive ENVIRONMENTAL impact. When apparel is discarded, it can’t usually be recycled very easily so most garments end up in the landfill. Some companies though have programs in place to collect discarded apparel + shredded back down into fibers to be made in to something new. Giving discarded U.S. apparel a second life + keeping them out of landfills.
After they’re shredded back down into fibers, they’re sent to Tlaxcala, Mexico to be woven into something beautiful. There, most of our artisans are actually farmers by trade. They are given the materials to hand weave blankets each week. Our artisans choose how much they want to produce + how much they want to work. They are left to weave as they please. In addition to having a comfortable + relaxed working condition, they are paid double the minimum wage while also being paid for the amount of blankets made. When families have a stable income, members aren’t forced to leave to a different area to make up for the deficit. This makes for stronger family ties. With this additional income our artisans have come together as a community. They have been able to build a school + community center from the money made from blanket weaving alone! The support of our blankets helps to keep the important traditional art of weaving alive + passed down for generations to come.
We strive to leave a light food print on our planet. This is a core-value of ours. There are always areas to improve but it’s something we are very passionate about! As we stated earlier, our blankets are made from recycle post-consumer U.S. apparel. We strive to reduce the amount we send to landfill + encourage our customers to do the same! Our jewelry